One Entry
Each entry for a page looks like this:
- name:
en: "English Name"
fr: "Title Français"
url: "/reference/to/page/"
With sub-pages going into the pages
entry but indented by two spaces, for example:
- name:
en: "English Name"
fr: "Title Français"
url: "/reference/to/page/"
- name:
en: "English Name Sub"
fr: "Title Français Sub"
url: "/reference/to/page/sub/"
Hide From Main Navigation
For parts of the page that are not supposed to be in the main horizontal navigation (“About WAI”, “News”), use a mainnav: false
in the root item:
- name:
en: News
mainnav: false
Show Only When Accessed
For entries that should only show up when you are on that page, add hide: true
- name:
en: "Accessibility Principles"
fr: "Principes d’accessibilité"
es: "Principios de accesibilidad"
zh-hans: "无障碍原则"
url: "/fundamentals/accessibility-principles/"
- name:
en: Changelog
de: 'Änderungsprotokoll'
nl: 'Changelog.'
el: 'Change log'
zh-hans: '修改日志'
fr: 'Changements'
es: 'Registro de cambios'
url: "/fundamentals/accessibility-principles/changelog/"
hide: true
Here, the changelog page is only shown in the navigation when navigating to the /fundamentals/accessibility-principles/changelog/
page. It allows user to easily see to which page the changelog in this case belongs to, and it also helps with building the breadcrumb navigation.
Hide Side Navigation Menu From a Page
The side / secondary menu appears on the left of pages that are in the navigation filer unless the
variable is defined. eg in a page’s front matter:
no-sidenav: true