This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

Updating WAI Website Resources


The workflow described here enables parts of the WAI website to be developed independently through the lightweight GitHub Flow, and enables publication on the WAI website updates to be coordinated by the website manager.


Coordinating User Interface, Shared Component, and Content Updates

Editors are responsible for ensuring that everything submitted for publication is indeed ready to publish — that it is approved, tested, and carefully quality checked. Website publishers are not able to do thorough reviews before publication.


Publication branches are protected, and editable only by W3C staff. All updates to appear in the WAI website are on this branch and will be merged by the site manager, technical lead, or maintainers — currently Shawn and Rémi. As backup, any W3C staff (as W3C organization administrators) can edit or merge into the publication branch. Resource editors and other non-W3C-team have maximum repository access privileges “write”.

Pull requests targeting the publication branch must be approved by Rémi before merging, who will coordinate with Shawn and other Team members as appropriate. A ruleset enforces this requirement.

Resource editors provide updates in a single pull request to the publication branch. If there are multiple updates, they can be provided in the default branch (usually main or master), with a single pull request for that branch to be merged into the publication branch.

Only highly-trusted individuals should have write access to the default branch. Before updates are made in the default branch, content updates have been approved by the Working Group, user interface updates approved by the website manager, and shared component updates approved by the technical lead.

Editors work with the WAI site manager and technical lead to coordinate on considerations for:

Site-Wide Components

WAI website components:

Currently, issues related to these components are in different places. We are in the process of moving all issues to: so they are in one place. We will use labels to group them.

Please put any new issues in — and feel free to move existing issues there, too.

Creating a pull request to the publication branch

From the Pull Request section, click the “New” button:

Change the base branch to “publication”. Click the “Create pull request” button.

For the title, put something like “For publication/deploy on Tuesday 9 September 2023”. (Please do not use a number for the month.)

In the comments,

The purpose of this information is:

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at