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Image Types

Directory of images in a repository

Exporting SVGs

Use the SVGs where possible. However there are two good reasons to export them to PNGs:

SVGs, especially with embedded fonts can be very large. Use the export function of any SVG-compatible program to export to PNG. Usually selecting twice the export size is key to get a crisp display on high resolution devices. (So when the default export size is 400x200px, set it to 800x400px.)

Graphics with text

Graphics with text need to be produced in a way that keep them editable. That is only the case with SVGs. All SVGs with text should be in a folder named _content-images-source in the main directory for a resource.

All translations should also be in editable form in that folder.

Embedding the font

When using text in graphics, the font should be embedded in the SVG to make it easily portable and editable. This will often massively increase the size of the image but is needed to keep it portable and editable.

You can download the currently used fonts for embedding.


When translating a graphic, the translated graphic should be saved in the _content-images-source directory, too, with a language suffix added.

For example, the German translation of a bridge.svg file should be saved as Then the should be exported to PNG format and saved in the content-images/wai-repo-name (where “wai-repo-name” is replaced by the name of the repository) directory.

Adding images to resources

The description on how to invoke images, and further options, are available on the Image Design Component Page.

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at